Opening New Routes for Kidney Therapy.
kinstlinger S and Dvela-Levitt M*
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2024
Disrupted uromodulin trafficking is rescued by targeting TMED cargo receptors
Bazua-Valenti S, Brown MR , Zavras J, Riedl Khursigara M, Grinkevich E, Sidhom EH, Keller KH, Racette M, Dvela-Levitt M, Quintanova C, Demirci H, Sewerin S, Goss AC, Lin J, Yoo H, Vaca Jacome AS, Papanastasiou M, Udeshi N, Carr S, Himmerkus N, Bleich M, Mutig K, Bachmann S, Halbritter J, Kmoch S, Živná M, Kidd K, Bleyer A, Weins A, Alper SL, Shaw JL, Kost-Alimova M, Pablo JLB, and Greka A.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 2024
Misprocessing of Alpha-Galactosidase A, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, and the Unfolded Protein Response.
Živná M, Dostálová G, Barešová V, Mušálková D, Svojšová K, Meiseles D, Kinstlinger S, KuchaÅ™ L, Asfaw B, PoupÄ›tová H, Vlášková H, Kmochová T, VyleÅ¥al P, Hartmannová H, Hodaňová K, Stránecký V, Steiner-Mrázová L, Hnízda A, Živný J, Radina M, Votruba M, Sovová J, Trešlová H, Stolnaja L, Reková P, Roblová L, Honsová E, Rychlík I, Dvela-Levitt M, Bleyer A, Linhart A, Sikora J, Kmoch S.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2024
Involvement of the Na+, K+-ATPase α1 Isoform and Endogenous Cardiac Steroids in Depression- and Manic-like Behaviors.
Horesh N, Pelov I, Pogodin I, Zannadeh H, Rosen H, Mikhrina AL, Dvela-Levitt M, Sampath VP, Lichtstein D.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024
FALCON systematically interrogates free fatty acid biology and identifies a novel mediator of lipotoxicity.
Wieder N, Coraor Fried J, Kim C, Sidhom EH, Brown MR, Marshall JL, Arevalo C, Dvela-Levitt M, Alimova M, Sieber J, Gabriel KR, Pacheco J, Clish C, Abbasi HS, Singh S, Rutter JC, Therrien M, Yoon H, Lai ZW, Baublis A, Subramanian R, Devkota R, Small J, Sreekanth V, Han M, Lim D, Carpenter AE, Flannick J, Finucane H, Haigis MC, Claussnitzer M, Sheu E, Stevens B, Wagner BK, Choudhary A, Shaw JL, Pablo JL, Greka A.
Feed the Flames. Stories in Molecular Medicine.
Dvela-Levitt M.
Trends in Molecular Medicine 2021
A rare kidney disease to cure them all? Towards mechanism-based therapies for proteinopathies.
Dvela-Levitt M, Shaw LJ, and Greka A.
Trends in Molecular Medicine 2021
A High Content Screen for Mucin-1-Reducing Compounds Identifies Fostamatinib as a Candidate for
Alimova M, Sidhom E, Satyam A, Dvela-Levitt M, Melanson M, Chamberlain1 BT, Alper SL, Santos J, Gutierrez J, Subramanian A, Grinkevich E, Bricio ER, KimC, Clark A, Watts A, Thompson R, Marshall J, Pablo JL, Coraor J, Roignot J, Vernon KA, Keller K, Campbell A, Emani M, Racette M, Bazua-Valenti S, Padovano V, Weins A, McAdoo SP, Tam F, Ronco L, Wagner F, Tsokos GC, Shaw JL, Greka.
Small molecule targets TMED9 and promotes lysosomal degradation to reverse proteinopathy.
Dvela-Levitt M, Kost-Alimova M, Emani M, Kohnert E, Thompson R, Sidhom EH, Rivadeneira A, Sahakian N, Roignot J, Papagregoriou G, Montesinos MS, Clark AR, McKinney D, Gutierrez J, Roth M, Ronco L, Elonga E, Carter T, Gnirke A, Melanson M, Hartland K, Wieder N, Hsu JCH, Deltas C, Hughey R, Bleyer AJ, Kmoch S, Živná M, Barešova V, Kota S, Schlondorff J, Heiman M, Alper SL, Wagner F, Weins A, Golub TR, Lander ES, Greka A.
A small-molecule inhibitor of TRPC5 ion channels suppresses progressive kidney disease in animal models.
Zhou Y, Castonguay P, Sidhom EH, Clark AR, Dvela-Levitt M, Kim S, Sieber J, Wieder N, Jung JY, Andreeva S, Reichardt J, Dubois F, Hoffmann SC, Basgen JM, Montesinos MS, Weins A, Johnson AC, Lander ES, Garrett MR, Hopkins CR, Greka A.
Lysine trimethylation regulates 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein proteostasis during endoplasmic reticulum stress.
Sieber J, Wieder N, Ostrosky-Frid M, Dvela-Levitt M, Aygün O, Udeshi ND, Carr SA, Greka A.
Reduction in maternal circulating ouabain impairs offspring growth and kidney development.
Dvela-Levitt M, Cohen-Ben Ami H, Rosen H, Ornoy A, Hochner-Celnikier D, Granat M and Lichtstein D.
Ouabain improves functional recovery following traumatic brain injury.
Dvela-Levitt M, Cohen-Ben Ami H, Rosen H, Shohami E and Lichtstein D.
Cardenolides and bufadienolides as hormones: What is missing?
Lichtstein D, Rosen H and Dvela M.
Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 2012
Endogenous ouabain regulates cell viability
Dvela M, Rosen H, Cohen-Ben Ami H and Lichtstein D.
Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2012
Endogenous Ouabain-Like Compounds in Locus Coeruleus Modulate Rapid Eye Movement Sleep in Rats.
Jaiswal M, Dvela M, Lichtstein D and Mallick B.
Ouabain attenuates cardiotoxicity induced by other cardiac steroids.
Nesher M, Shpolansky U, Viola N, Dvela M, Buzaglo N, Cohen Ben-Ami H, Rosen H and Lichtstein D.
Physiological roles of endogenous ouabain in normal rat.
Nesher M, Dvela M, Igbokwe VU, Rosen H, and Lichtstein D.
Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ Physiol. 2009
Diverse biological responses to different cardiotonic steroids
Dvela M, Rosen H, Feldmann T, Nesher M and Lichtstein D.